Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Posts will be coming...


You know how it is with the holidays, traveling, etc. Throw in 2 sick adults trying to feed themselves and get well, you can imagine how impossible it is to sit and think of a blog post.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Whats for Dinner?

Well I feel like I have been on the ball today. I unfortunately woke up at 4am with a bad cold and I didn't want to wake my husband so I got up for the day. Before 6am I had:

Checked e-mails
Made coffee for D, hot cocoa for myself
Made the bed
picked up the laundry
Picked up the loft living area

AND prepared dinner.

Want to know what we are having? Check out the recipe blog! Its posted there!

$10 worth of free coupons!

Thanks Kelly for posting about this on your blog! I just signed up!

Get your own $10 coupon book from Betty Crocker by signing up for their e-mail newsletter. I signed up under one of my older, less used e-mail addresses to keep my main box from filling up too quickly.

Go HERE to sign up!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sorry for the silence!

Sorry I have not been posting as much lately. Life got kinda crazy after the loss of our Jack. Things have been better now. We still miss our little buddy so much but it has gotten easier. I don't cry at the drop of a hat anymore. I made a special photobook of him yesterday and ordered it. It should be here in a few weeks. I just gathered all the pictures I had of him and decided that a photobook was a great thing to have in his memory. I am looking forward to receiving it.

In other news, its COLD here. Seriously... I think the high is 28 degrees. We have had a few days of snow flurries, and a few mornings of snow on the ground and rooftops, but it has all melted away. Soon we are probably going to be hit with the first HEAVY snow of the year and that will stick. Both D and I are not winter fans. We are going to be spending Christmas in Georgia this year with his side of the family so that will be a nice winter get away. We are also considering going to Las Vegas in February with some friends of ours. Still just thinking about that though.

We had some unexpected and unwanted excitement last weekend. I was trying to finish up some laundry and all of a sudden our washing machine started making a horrific noise. Turns out, the "spinner" was broken. It was over 8 years old so it was time to replace it. We just got a model that was comparable to the old one and it still matches our dryer pretty well. I didn't want to get anything real fancy because

A) They are too expensive for us right now
B) We live in a townhouse so appliances normally stay when you move out.

In gaming news both D and I are playing this:


Its an expansion pack to the game World of Warcraft. D has played for awhile... since it came out I think. I started playing a few months after our wedding. Its very fun, a bit on the addictive side though! Luckily, I am one who has trouble just sitting and focusing on the game for hours so I can still do laundry, cook and get household stuff done. D on the other hand... really gets into the game! But thats ok. He will stop if I ask him to or if we have something planned. He works hard for us though so I often let him play his games and not bother him.

Thats an update into our lives right now. Hoping life can get back to a normal schedule to allow me to blog more. I also added a new recipe to our recipe blog so check it out!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Going to Petsmart today...

To return the $50 worth of canned food that we bought Jack in hopes that a new diet would help him. I guess its really over... he's gone.


I keep checking the local humane society cat adoption page to see if they are even going to try to place him. I know in my heart he was so sick and at his age... he is pretty un-placeable.

I told D that if he gets listed as adoptable I want to run back and get him! But he said no, we can't. There would be a good chance that he is still sick... and it would not be good for us as a family to bring that back.

I miss him.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Too Frugal?

My car has been needing a car wash. I know winter is QUICKLY approaching in our neck of the woods but I have been putting off the car wash. We have had a string of BEAUTIFUL days but again, I procrastinate.

Well, today is a bit chilly, high of 60 maybe? And very rainy.

So I got a bright idea! I pulled the car out of the garage and parked it in the driveway.

Mother Nature's Free Rinse

I'll take it. Its a bargain compared to Holiday's $7.00 for a basic wash.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My precious kitty Jack....

is gone....

We have been having so many issues with him vomiting, urinating on the carpet and having issues using the litter box. We had taken him to 3 different vets over the last 2 years and they keep coming back with NOTHING is wrong. We recently just paid out over $500 to be tested he came back "perfectly healthy."

His vomiting had become violent. He was in obvious pain. He couldn't keep food down anymore. If he wasn't yowling in pain, he was lethargic and not wanting to move. It broke my heart to hear him moan and cry.

This morning D and I drove him to the Humane Society. They told me they will "try" to place him but honestly... they were not optimistic. We knew that was most likely to happen.. he will probably be put down unless their vets can find whats wrong and help him. I feel like I should have kept trying to find answers... to help him... but financially, emotionally I could not do it anymore. I haven't slept in at least a week, on the verge of a nervous breakdown and all so very much worried about him. We couldn't go away for any length of time. It was time for us to make this horrible decision.

I am sooo very sad. I haven't been able to stop crying. D has been very upset as well. His last moments with us are burned into my brain and I wish I could just hold him again. He was such a great cuddler.

If I step away from blogging and don't update for awhile... this is why.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am addicted to blogging!

Haha I am cracking myself up today. I was thinking back to when I first started to try and blog. I was miserable at it! Fast forward to today, and I just created my THIRD blog! I think you will like them.

Of course my main blog is this one. This is our every day, what is going on, what do I want to share with you blog. I love that so many of you have already been checking it out.

My second blog is my photography blog. As I grow my business I want to share pictures and photo sessions with you. If you haven't already, bookmark this blog! Maren McKim Photography

The blog I just finished creating, and not a lot has been added yet, is our family recipe blog. I have been struggling to find a way to keep our recipes stored and easily shareable and I figured a blog was a great way to do both. Hopefully I will be adding lots and lots of easy recipes for you to try in the following weeks. From Our Table to Yours

Talk about a photography website


Today I am going to talk about something I have been working on for the last week or so. I am in the process of learning more about web design and graphic design. I want to create a website that merges my photo blog with my photo website. I really like the design of my photo website, but I want to include the blog for people to check out as well. Also, I want to add in an ordering form that is easy to use and can be e-mailed directly to me.

It is all still a work in progress but I am getting there. I need to pick up a book or 2 on web design. I heard the "For Dummies" series is exceptionally good for these types of circumstances. If I buy it, read it and use it, does that make me a "dummy?"

For your viewing pleasure, here is a link to both of my photo related websites. I hope you enjoy what you see. If you have any tips, feel free to leave them!

Photography Blog

Photography Website

Check out The Lazy Organizer for more Talk About Tuesday.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Menu Planning Monday


Sorry this is showing up a little later in the day. Things have been hectic at home with Jack's health issues and myself losing a ton of sleep because of it. Here is what our week is looking like. Of course this is a rough sketch. . . many times we end up changing things around!

Monday - Grilled Cheese (made on freshly baked bread) & Tomato Soup

Tuesday - Creamy Chicken Enchilada's that I found on Amanda's blog. Looks SOOO yummy! Check out the rest of her website. Very cool stuff to be found.

Wednesday - Out to Eat with some good friends of ours.

Thursday - Skillet Goulash Although I make it in a large pot and substitute one can of the diced tomatoes with Rotel. We like our goulash a bit spicy. Oh and I add minced garlic as well. We also love garlic around here!

Friday - Haven't quite decided yet. Its a toss up between Spaghetti w/Italian sausage and garlic bread or Tator Tot Hotdish. I suppose it will depend on what kind of week it has been.

Want more ideas for your week? Go to Laura's website and view all the other menu planner's weeks.

Back from Jack's latest vet appt.

This better be the last one for awhile! Today's visit cost over $300! Pair that with the $160 a week and a half ago... thats ENOUGH!!

So they did blood work and x-rays. He is a perfectly healthy cat. He may have a viral infection which, like humans, they can do nothing for.

He gave me a bland diet to give him for the next few days to help his upset tummy.

The only thing wrong that could have induced his severe vomiting? Constipated! His x-ray showed that he is a little full! So he needs to start pooing. And with his history and perhaps not getting enough water.... he needs to switch to wet food for the most part. So I need to go to Target/Petsmart and get him a new food diet.

Oh and I need to start giving him his meds for the bladder deal tomorrow again. But since we have been in so many times the Vet said unless there is an issue, I don't need to bring him back in to re-check that. THANK GOODNESS!

Off to another Vet appointment

Taking Jack back to the vet. This is getting expensive. I am not letting them release Jack until they tell me a reason for his vomitting. There is NO REASON a cat should vomit 20 times in an 8 hour period.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jack is sick . . .

I feel horrible for him and a bit at the end of my rope.

Jack has always been a "puker." I have taken him to 3 different vets who all have said there is nothing wrong with him. Well... something has to be wrong now.

He has vomitted, or at least TRIED to vomit about 15 times in a 24-hour period. And he makes a very, VERY pitiful moaning/yowling before. I KNOW he is feeling something. This morning he had me up at 2:30am with his moaning and vomiting/heaving.

He was begging for something to eat and although I was VERY wary I did let him eat a few bites of his food. Yeah, that didn't go so well. Within 5 minutes he had thrown it back up.

For now, he is in the half bathroom downstairs. I brought his litterbox down there and made him a nice comfy bed out of towels and put a bowl of water in there. I cannot get him into the vet until Monday. I hope they can get him in SOON. There HAS to be something wrong.

If they say there is nothing..... and this is what we have to live with, these bouts of frequent vomiting and then nothing for a few weeks and refresh all over again, I don't think I can keep it up! I know I must sound like a horrible person. I feel awful that I am starting to feel like I cannot do it anymore. Our carpets are RUINED. Almost to the point I am embarassed to have anyone over. I know its a material thing but I am just losing my patience and will to keep cleaning up after him. Argh.....

Sometimes having pets is so hard.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Photo Website Update

Hey all

Just wanted to give you a heads up if you check my photo website often. I am going to be updating and making some changes. I am not sure if I can take it offline or not so if it looks all messed up or you cannot access it, don't worry it will be back up and running normally soon!

Also, look for some new photos soon. I have a session tomorrow.

Also considering a photo blog... we shall see.

One of my sweet boys...

I was setting up the studio lights and backdrop for a portait session that is scheduled for tomorrow. Well, one my cats, Jack, wandered in and wanted to be a model!

So here are a few pictures of Jack. They are not really edited, just adjusted the lighting. Enjoy!



Thursday, October 30, 2008


~Insert shocked look on my face as the cashier told me my total~

Ok seriously.... why has it gotten SO EXPENSIVE to grocery shop? That is only for 2 people! Now granted, I am trying a few new recipes, had to restock my flour and sugar stock and D begged me to buy him a new XBox 360 game which are so overpriced (wait for the review later) but STILL.

Meat is soooo expensive. That will teach me to run out before I get to Costco to restock. I just didn't have it in me to drive the extra distance to Costco, buy meat in bulk and then spend 2 days dividing it and repackaging. Call me lazy but I just wasn't feeling it.

I even used coupons but only saved $4.00. I know... $4 is $4 but I would love to be one of those women who can get $100 worth of groceries for $20 or less.

Good thing I also restocked on some cream soups, canned tomatoes and tomato soup. I have a feeling I will be digging a little deeper into the creative recesses of my brain to come up with dinner.

I have next weeks menu all planned out so watch for a Menu Planning Monday post on Monday!

Monday, October 27, 2008

No . . . I haven't disappeared.

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. It's not that I have forgotten about the blog. I actually think about it all the time. Life seems to be going by faster and faster as each month passes us by. I can not BELIEVE its nearly November. Less than 2 months until Christmas! Oh and yes, I have started my Christmas shopping. . . actually I am FINISHED! That feels good! Now if I could get a start on my Christmas cards. But, I digress.

Menu planning has been lacking lately. We are starting to run out of our meat reserves in our chest freezer. Before going to Costco to stock up again, I am trying to plan meals BEFORE I go so I don't buy a lot of what I don't need. Who wants to buy a ton of meat, then come home and seperate and repackage something you might not use? A waste of money AND time.

I am trying to kick my rear in gear and blog more. But at the moment I am trying to find my way out of the piles of paper that creep in around me and my desk. I swear they mate and reproduce at a rate that would put rabbits to shame.

Until next time..... M

Friday, October 17, 2008

D's newest game addiction

Its been a little while since I have blogged about video games. Which is funny, since Video Games is a MAJOR part of this blog (umm... it IS in the title!). I cannot remember if I shared this or not, but D bought a subscription to GameFly. Its basically a game rental service like Netflix. He requests game in an online queue and then he gets them sent to him 1 at a time. He has tried out a few, some were bombs and some are actually fun. This is his latest GameFly rental and I think it looks really fun (I even want to take the controller away from him haha!):


Now I know it looks kinda questionable, but really it looks like a lot of fun and its HILARIOUS! Basically you play as the "Overlord" who is the big guy in the middle of the picture. You control your minions - the gremlin looking guys (DON'T GET WET! haha... remember that movie??) and the gremlins are SOOOO FUNNY! They bring you treasure, they kill the enemy characters for you and provide the must hilarious sound bites. And even the enemy bosses are HILARIOUS! Seriously... this game is one of those games when you can actually have fun watching someone else play.


This boss guy is crazy. He is an evil king who WON'T STOP EATING! You know how he fights you? By rolling over you and then trying to sit on you! Watching D play this really made me LOL.

Thursday, October 16, 2008



That is all I seem to be doing this morning. I can't stop! Normally sneezing wouldn't bother me that much.... but when I am already feeling ill on TOP of non-stop sneezing. Well, then I get a little irritated. It seems like I have been nothing but SICK the past few weeks. I also suffer (and yes, SUFFER is the correct word) from a more severe form of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) actually referred to as IBD (Inflamed Bowel Disease). Its NO FUN. Especially when you have a flare up. Don't worry, I am not going to elaborate on that. Just use your imagination.

I am thinking of doing a bathroom remodel... since with my IBS I spend a lot of time in there (its sad really... there are somedays I cannot even leave the house and sometimes even the bathroom). What do you think of adding something like this?


Hopefully soon I can get back to "normal" blogging . . . but then again nothing about our lives IS normal!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Menu Planning Monday


Here we are practically in mid-October. I can hardly believe it! Christmas will be here before we know it. Good thing I have started my Christmas shopping! I am actually almost finished!

Menu planning is going to be interesting for awhile. D and I decided that he will start taking leftovers for his lunches at work. We are also trying to trim our budget up and one area being trimmed is groceries. So things may be looking a little "blah" until I get into the swing of things.

Monday: Chicken Caesar Salads with dinner roll

Tuesday: "Breakfast for Dinner" French Toast made with fresh, homemade bread

Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo (from Costco... we LOVE that stuff and it makes lots of leftovers!)

Thursday: Beef Enchilada's

Friday: Pizza

Saturday: Grandma's 80th Birthday Party

Sunday: Tuna or Egg Salad sandwiches

As always, head over to Laura's blog to get more ideas for your menu planning Monday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Have a GREAT weekend!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week... seemed like the days flew by. And now that the weekend is upon us its time to travel! We will be away for a few days to attend a friends wedding. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures to share when I return!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Menu Planning Monday


Another week is already upon us. I can hardly believe we are already 6 days into October! Here in Minnesota, we are keeping our eyes on the skies. Never know when that first snow of the season will hit.

This week is a short one for us. A very dear friend is taking us out to eat on Thursday (destination unknown so far) and then Friday we are leaving to attend a wedding in Iowa. Its our "treat" weekend as we will be staying in a hotel and eating out for nearly every meal (except for breakfasts and the wedding reception). I am so looking forward to it!

So here is our shortened week:

Monday: Goulash (my FAVORITE!!) and dinner rolls (if I can get them thawed in time...)


Wednesday: Chicken & mozzarella stuffed ravioli with red sauce and garlic bread

That's it for our short week! I will try and get a recipe up for my goulash. I am absolutely in LOVE with that dish. Check out Laura's website for many more Menu Planning Monday ideas!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

2 Days of no Caffeine!

And no headaches! I have been a little more tired than usual but its also been kinda dreary weather here. Now I need to up my water intake. Also, my goal next week is to work out at the gym at LEAST 3 days. Hoping to hit 4. We are going away this coming weekend so have to get it done in the early part of the week.

Stay tuned.. Menu Planning Monday is tomorrow!


Was day 1 of no caffeine!

I am tired.........

Going to take a nap.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just a few more days...

And this will be out of my diet completely...


Well at least the caffeine version. I am cutting out caffeine from my diet. Its gonna be difficult but not too terribly difficult. I don't rely on it too much, but I am expecting a few headaches.

I am hoping this will help me cut out soda as well. I have tried and tried to give up soda but keep going back. Thats actually why I am drinking Mt Dew now! I gave up Coca-Cola for awhile and then I started craving Mt Dew really bad!

I will post an update when the Mt Dew is out of the house (only a few cans left) so you can all help keep me accountable.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What a PRODUCTIVE day!!

Broadcasting your mess to a blogging world IS a lot of motivation!!

My desk... still clean.... just an ongoing project is sitting neatly, patiently waiting.


And look! My office area is CLEAN! And no, I did not cheat. Everything was actually put away, trashed, shredded or filed. I even went through all of our files in the file cabinet and shredded old paperwork!


And WAH-LA! Laundry is done!


Spare room/Photo studio is all set and ready for my next session




And my 2 little critters gave me a few minutes to make the bed. But as you can see, they are back to doing what cats do best . . . being LAZY!


I think I deserve a day off tomorrow...

Get your REAR in GEAR!

That is what I keep telling myself. But myself doesn't listen too well. So I figured that if I broadcasted everything for the world to see, myself would get on the ball.

See how clean my desk is?


Yeah... don't believe it. Its all here:


Oh and I also need to do some laundry:


And this room needs to be organized. It is our spare bedroom. But... I took down the queen sized bed (by myself yesterday!) so I could use the space as a home photo studio. I have a few portrait sessions coming up so I need to get it all set up.




I also need to make our bed so that the bedroom looks tidy. But I have 2 little critters who are preventing that...


Hopefully tomorrow I will have updated pictures (that look better than these before shots!).

Talk About a new coupon organizer


I got this great new idea for organizing my coupons from a good friend of mine, Lindsay. Here it is:


No really... that is my coupon organizer. I took a large, 3-ring notebook and added nice dividers.


Now it is still a work in progress, as you can see the dividers are not labeled yet. But everything in the notebook is divided into sections of the grocery store. Freezer,refrigerated, beverages, cereals, etc.


The coupons actually slide into their own sleeves. They are baseball card collecting sleeves. The sleeves work great because you can see them all, if you need to fold them over you can still see the information on the back and nothing gets hidden behind the other. That was a big problem with my other, envelope style organizer.


Another nice thing is the pockets on the dividers. That way when I get a coupon book or large coupons that don't fit in the sleeves, I can add them to the section via the pocket.

Pretty neat if I do say so myself. Check out The Lazy Organizer for more Talk about Tuesday stuff. Its grown up "Show & Tell!"

Monday, September 29, 2008

What my ipod/itunes is dowloading right now...


So excited to start watching this while I am on the treadmill at the gym! LOVE me some Anthony Edwards!!!!!

Menu Planning Monday


So... whats for dinner? Find yourself asking that question at about 4pm and your household is already hungry? I try and stay on top of that question by planning ahead of time. Right now we are trying to use up what we have instead of frequently running to the grocery store. Menu planning has to get a little creative...

Monday 9-29
Crockpot Chicken Stroganoff served over egg noodles with crescent rolls

Tuesday 9-30
Tomato Basil Penne Skillet Dinner with garlic bread

Wednesday 10-1
Crockpot Onion Pork Chops (D's FAVORITE!) with green beans

Thursday 10-2
Hamburgers with Tator Tots

Friday 10-3
Chicken & Mozzarella stuffed Ravioli with garlic bread

Saturday 10-4

Sunday 10-5
Tuna Sandwiches made with fresh, just baked bread

Want more ideas for your weekly menu planning? Head over to I'm an Organizing Junkie where you will find plenty of ideas for menu planning AND other household situations!

Bowling Scores

YIKES... I did not have a good night with the pins last night. My first week was a fluke I think. Of course the week you set your average and handicap... haha. Oh well, its all for fun! Here are the scores:

Week 1

Game 1 = 154
Game 2 = 107
Game 3 = 113

Total = 374

Week 2

Game 1 = 119
Game 2 = 105
Game 3 = 107

Total = 331

So I guess I didn't do too bad last night. That 1st game from Week 1 made every skewed. Next game in 2 weeks.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

D is onto a new game...


I bought this for him for Christmas last year. He played it a bit and then it got put on the shelf. He just pulled it off again not too long ago. He recently started an account with GameFly, a mail order game rental place a lot like Netflix or Blockbuster Online. He has requested God of War 2 so he figured he better beat the first installment first.

The game is centered on Greek Mythology. As the main character, Kratos, runs around and fights he meets up with Zeus, Athena, Aries, etc.

Doesn't really seem like my type of game but he enjoys it. Its on the PS2 so it does not have as nice of graphics as the XBox360 games.

Bowling... Bowling... Bowling....


Keep those balls a Rollin'... RAWHIDE!

Oops! Wrong song! Or wrong words to the right song lol.

Tonight is week 2 of my church bowling league. I was part of this league a few years ago but then took last year off as it was starting right as D and I were getting married. Its fun... but to be honest? I am such a homebody that I hate the idea of going all Sunday long! I am not sure why I am like this. D says its good for me to get out and be with other people. He is right (of course... don't tell him I said that) and I DO have fun when I am there.

So here's hoping its a fun night. I'll have to remember to post my first 2 weeks scores tomorrow.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My newest toy...

and actually workout assistant!


I got a new ipod! My old ipod (one of the old style, mini's) finally wouldn't hold a battery charge. It was old... I cannot even remember when I got it. I would think at least 5 years ago. It did well for me.

My new ipod is the new "Ipod Classic" which holds 80GB of music, videos, audibooks and photos! I have already watched a movie on it. It makes working out go by so much faster. I can download tv episodes (THE OFFICE!!) and crack up while I am on the treadmill or eliptical.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trying to create our own "Family Cookbook"

Lately I have been trying to write down the meals that we enjoy the most, and also finding new recipes to try and add to our collection. I figure if I make a cookbook specific to our family, meal planning will be that much easier!

One day when I get my act together, I really want to create something from here


I think this would be the coolest thing to add to my family's kitchen and a wonderful gift to pass down to future generations.

Do you know what the worlds WORST food is?

Well... we do! We are going to have some of it tonight!


D & I are going out to eat at Outback Steakhouse. It is one of D's favorite places to eat. The Aussie Cheese Fries (a load of seasoned french fries covered in shredded, melted cheese and bacon with a side of special ranch dipping sauce) are his favorite thing in the WORLD! They were also recently voted as the worlds WORST FOOD.

But you know what . . . thats ok with us. Because we only go to Outback once or twice a YEAR. This is a tasty treat that we allow ourselves to get when we go. This year we are doing one thing though... ordering a HALF size!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Please Pray...

A dear friend of mine, Christine, lost her 13 month old daughter, Anna, this week to a sudden, rapid illness. Christine, Caedmon and their 5 year old son, Elijah could use all of your prayers. This is such a sad time for them and all those whom Anna touched.

Thinking about . . .

adding this game to my PC game collection


I wasn't sure and then I read a review on it. Seems like it would be fun to "waste time" with.

Not that I should be just wasting time... I have enough to do!

What D is playing right now....

D bought a new game a few days ago . . .


He already beat it for the first time tonight. Now he is playing it on the highest level of difficulty. Should be interesting to hear him shouting in protest haha.

I think he likes it. A few things a quirky about it that bother him but all in all a good purchase for his XBox 360

Under Construction

Forgive all the blank, white spaces for a little while longer. Tweaking this blog to be our new web home.